
"[Since] our school has implemented the Bond Blocks Core Kit for Intervention… we have seen an absolute 100% turn around in our students’ confidence, alongside their ability to respond with a deeper understanding of the concepts they have been addressing. It is so heart-warming to see. The program has allowed all the staff involved to see how rich and crucial the concepts are. As a school we are now converts to the value of the Bond Blocks Core Kit as a mathematical tool that support building strong mathematical foundations, hence our latest purchase to support our Year 1/2 students ‘nail’ their understanding of counting and addition and subtraction. Thank you so much for creating such a valuable resource for our students.
(Leading Teacher) Dandenong Primary School VIC
Every year I assess our early years students using the Maths Assessment Interview. They always struggle with the question 12 – 9. However, this year when conducting the Maths Assessment Interview with the Year 1 students, I was amazed at how many could quickly respond to the problem of how many strawberries were left in a group of 12 when 9 were eaten. In previous years this has been so hard for them as they would struggle with trying to count up or count back or not find they had enough fingers to cope. This year when I asked, “How did you do that so quickly?” the response was often “Bond Blocks”. I probed deeper with some students, “What do you mean by Bond Blocks?” Here is just one student’s reply (explained by her in a high-pitched voice of excitement), “Well, it’s a part and another part that make a whole. So….I took away one part from the whole and it left the other part. I know 9 and 3 make 12 so when I take away a part (the 9 strawberries) from the 12 I get left with the other part (the 3 strawberries). I do it with Bond Blocks in my class.” We had similar responses for another question (8-3 cookies) that up until this year has caused lots of difficulties. We began implementing Bond Blocks at a tier one class level across our junior school twelve months ago. The results have been so encouraging.
(Intervention Teacher 20+ years experience) WA
Maths is quickly becoming a favourite learning area for our kids (Year 6 students) and Bond Block implementation is going well. Kids love it and kids who don't normally engage are participating. Thanks for all of the guidance.
(Project Coordinator) Halls Creek District High School WA
"Bond Blocks are a fantastic maths program for homeschooling kids and parents! It is easy to understand and to get started and provides everything you need for a truly ‘open and go’ program for early maths or, as in my case, for kids who have struggled with learning and retaining maths and may have ‘gaps’ from school learning for whatever reason. Unlike other 'open and go’ or scripted programs it's really not too ‘wordy’ to read and follow or too overwhelming as the supporting videos cover everything you need quickly. It's easy to just watch the video yourself or to watch together with your kids. The games are fun and engaging and the maths concepts that the kids learn they actually remember because they’re using physical, natural materials (learning by ‘doing’). The blocks are beautiful to use and also really great for ‘visual kids’ because they don’t have the added distraction of colour or the ability to ‘count’ little sections- it really is just all about the maths! For parents who aren’t super confident about teaching maths ’the right way’, this program gives all of the support you need- right down to the best words to say when teaching to help avoid confusion in maths later. My kids are now onto more challenging maths but we still refer to our Bond Blocks because they’re a great foundation for understanding the harder concepts-like algebra. I can highly recommend using Bond Blocks for home learning!"
Rachel W.
(Homeschooler of two kids for 3 years) WA
"After implementing the Bond Block program with my Year 6 support students, I saw a notable improvement in student confidence and capability in the mainstream classroom. My students were excited and confident to apply what they had learned in the support lesson to the Year 6 curriculum taught in class. It was very rewarding to see them tackling more challenging problems with eagerness. I highly recommend this program to assist students in upper primary in accessing the curriculum more effectively."
Tayla W.
(Year 6 Classroom Teacher) WA
"I teach at [a secondary school in regional WA]. I attended the Bond Block session… in 2022 and have trialled it with a group of year 7 students last year in term 4. We found students progress in as little as 6 weeks. This year we have run a program for year 8 students this semester, starting with 42 students. The results have been very pleasing. Next semester we are running the program with year 7 students. Hoping for similar results.."
(Mathematics Teacher: Regional Senior Highschool WA)
"The activities are prescriptive, quick and easy with few materials required. The students particularly like the partner games throughout the program. I was surprised how quickly I saw student progress. It was obvious in their speed and accuracy. The wooden blocks are the genius element of this program - so simple yet effective. The children can see, touch and manipulate the numbers and see them in relation to each other. I would highly recommend this resource for every K-6 teacher. It is applicable for intervention and core teaching."
Amanda H.
(Intervention Teacher) WA
“It’s fun. The blocks are made out of wood with numbers on. You get to build a wall, it’s tricky at first but quite fun when you complete it. I’ve learnt my number bonds of 10, 8, 5, 7, and 6. It wasn’t hard to learn because the activities are games”
(Student) WA
Due to the COVID situation last term, my role morphed into being based in one primary school and supporting schools through relief cover. The upside to this was that when I was not required to cover classes I could work with students in small groups or by doing a one-to-one intervention. Naturally, this was the perfect opportunity for me to trial the Bond Blocks with students. They loved it and so did I! When it was time for me to head back to my normal role I felt confident that the support videos and website available were sufficient enough for the Year 3/4 TA to continue the program with the identified students.
(Numeracy Leader) TAS
I just wanted to follow up with a little testimonial for your wonderful Bond Blocks. My lovely little grade 1 student who was not able to successfully use counters or a number line to do a class maths assessment ( one question out of 45 were correct) has now completed two thirds of it in a few sessions using the Bond Blocks with 100% accuracy. I have sat with him 1:1 but he is using the check strategy with the Bond Block to see if his answer is equal to what he thinks. Sometimes, he is one off and can see that quickly and adjusts his answer and re-checks with the block. He is working towards commutative thinking so if questions repeat after each other, he is doing it again. Interestingly, a few times he was wanting to use a “one block instead of a zero cause there is no zero block”… at these times I have assisted him with his thinking. The last couple of questions containing a zero, he has remembered what to do. Thanks so much! Nothing was working. This is wonderful! The smile on his face today was worth a million dollars! I am going to send home the counting on spinner games for him and his nan to try out.
(Year 1 Classroom Teacher) VIC