19) Near Double

Doubling and Halving to 10: Strategy Concept

19.1 Near Double Strategy Concept


Develop the strategy of near double addition, adding one more than double 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Prior knowledge of double bonds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the commutative property of addition is needed.


  • double bond
  • near double
  • one more
  • addition as “add”
  • equals

Core Activity Support Materials

Click to open answers in a new tab.


A little easier

Part-Part-Whole representation

Use Bond Blocks organised with part-part-whole to calculate the double, plus one more. For example,

Focus on the near double only

Complete the core activity for the near double but not the commutative property. This can be especially helpful for students with executive functioning difficulties. For example,

A little harder

I’m sorry. This video is outdated and does not match the most current Core Kit boards. The thumbnail is the correct board but the actual video is wrong.  Thanks Linda for letting me know 🙂 I’ll rerecord this as soon as I finish the Counting Kit videos. Probably Term 4 2024. Until then please follow the instructions written on the activity board. Narelle.

19.2 Near Double Strategy Concept A Little Harder
Activity 19 near double one less

Develop the near double strategy of subtracting one from double 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 

Complete Activity 19 Doubling and Halving to 10: Near Double Strategy Concept a little harder. 

Click to open answers in a new tab.

Activity 62

Students who have completed up to Ten Plus Bonds: Addition and Subtraction Ten and One can complete a similar activity for wholes in the teens. Complete Activity 62 Doubling and Halving to 20: Near Double Strategy Concept.


In the next activity students develop fluency with near double bonds of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This is an abstract activity using numbers only, it builds on the current representational activity that uses Bond Blocks. Go to

Activity 20

Doubling and Halving to 10: Near Double, Strategy Fluency