36) Fluency

Bonds of 6, 7, 8, 9: Shake and Spill

36.1 Fluency Shake And Spill


Develop fluency with the bonds of 6,7,8 and 9.

Apply the bonds of 6, 7, 8 and 9 to related addition and subtraction equations.

Develop the concept of the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.


  • addition as “add”
  • subtraction as “take away”
  • equals
  • part-part-whole


A little easier

Addition only

Play as per the core activity but touch and say the addition equation only.

36.2 Fluency Shake And Spill Addition Variation
Take away only

Play as per the core activity but touch and say the take away equation only. 

Adjusting the core activity into two separate activities, one that focuses on addition, another that focuses on subtraction, can be especially helpful for students with executive function difficulties. 

36.3 Fluency Shake And Spill Take Away Variation
Use bond blocks to represent part-part-whole

Use the a Bond Block to represent the whole. Check both parts equal the whole. 

Play with a whole of 5

Play Shake and Spill for the whole of 5. 

A little harder

Play with a whole of 11

Play Shake and Spill for the whole of 11. 


In the next activity students develop fluency with two-part bonds for the wholes of 6, 7, 8 and 9. This next activity is harder because students need to identify bonds for all the wholes (6, 7, 8 and 9) in one activity, compared to bonds for one specific whole. Go to

Activity 37

Bonds of 6, 7, 8, 9: Fluency, Racing Monster Trucks