Counting Kit: Getting Started

Next Steps: Boards and Setup

Activity Boards

Print student Activity Boards. (Print PDF is included with kit purchase as of the 2nd Edition from 2024)

If Printing: Print the A3 Activity Boards for student use from the PDF file located on the wooden USB. Please save this onto your school drive. When printing please:

  • Use colour. The system is colour coded. Do not print in black and white. 
  • Ensure your printer is set to ‘actual size’ or ‘100% scale’. If it is set to the default ‘shrink to fit’ the boards will look right until you put the blocks on. Then you will realise they don’t fit. 
    • Whole Class Teaching: Print half × number of students for Pair A3 Teacher Led Activity Boards.
    • Individual Student Activities: Print 1× Individual A4 Activity Board per student.

The Counting Kit comes with one of every activity board, printed on high quality card. Retain these for teacher use.

Storing Activity Boards

Here’s one way to organise the printed copies of the A3 Activity Boards: in an A3 display folders or A3 files with plastic sleeves. Place multiple copies of one board, in one sleeve.

Organisation & Storage


One box of 12 sets of Bond Blocks measures

  • 56cm long
  • 28cm wide
  • 36cm high 

The most common places I see the blocks stored are in bookshelves or on/in pigeon holes along the edge of the classroom. 

Crate Storage

Thanks to Amanda, who found these crates. They hold 6 sets of Bond Blocks which means they are not too heavy to pick up. You can also place them in different parts of the room to help with classroom management during set-up and pack-away. 

The dimensions are 46cm long x 31cm wide x 25 high. At the time of publishing this page they are sold at:

Mobile Whiteboard

Thanks to Kendal, who had this Ergerite Mobile Teacher Whiteboard. She found the A3 ‘Write and Wipe’ sleeves fit in the front and 14 sets of Bond Blocks fit perfectly in the back! Kendal also shared that the A3 Write-and-Wipe sleeves can fit in the back, resting on top of the Bond Blocks.

Number Each Set of Blocks

Stick a blue Bond Blocks Avery Label  on the front of each case each box of Bond Blocks and number them. This can help schools keep a record of who has which sets of blocks. 

Avery software label code L7160. Twenty-one labels per page. 


What's in your Counting to 10 & 20 Kit

Includes 6 Bond Blocks Packs

1 of 8

Implementation Book with planners

2 of 8

17 Exploratory Play Cards

3 of 8

Guided Play Activities (128 in total)

4 of 8

Materials Included: 1000 cubes (not pictured), pens, write and wipe sleeves, spinners

5 of 8

Materials Pack: Write ‘n’ Wipe Sleeves (A3) x 15

6 of 8

47 A3 Teacher-Led Activity Boards

7 of 8

Also Included: USB with PDF files for whole-school printing.

8 of 8

This Kit includes:

  • Screening Test, Planners, Skills Checklists (Tier 1, 2 and 3), Video Modelled Activities (on
  • 46 × A3 boards in 5 plastic wallets
  • 17 × Exploratory Play cards in a plastic wallet
  • 128 × Guided Play A4 cards in 4 plastic wallets
  • 6 sets of wooden Bond Blocks (suitable for a whole class)\
  • 15 × Round Transparent Spinners
  • 15 × Write n’ Wipe sleeves
  • 2-Colour Counters
  • 1000 × Maths Cubes (required for the kit, but an optional purchase if you have your own cubes)
  • Printable PDF and School Licence Included on a Bond Blocks USB

Before you begin: Resourcing

As Bond Blocks has two uses, the resources you will require vary based on your needs (Tier 1 Class Teaching vs. Tier 2 & 3 Intervention)

Visit the shop for more info

Step 1: Plug in your Bond Blocks USB

The Bond Blocks Counting to 10 & 20 USB contains everything you will need

Making a copy to the School Intranet is recommended. Make sure you also write down your purchasing email / order details, for ease of updating in the future.

Step 2: Books and Planners

The USB contains the books and planners. Many of them are mirrored on the website too for ease of use.

If you are using the kit for Tier 1 Class teaching, see the Tier 1 Implementation part of the book. If you are using the Book for Tier 2 and 3 Intervention, see the Tier 2 & 3 Intervention section.

For curriculum, see the curriculum page.

Step 3: Professional Learning

The USB contains the 100-minute Level 1 Professional Learning you need for this Kit.

This will get you ready to use the Bond Blocks Counting materials. Additional PL can be undertaken at levels 2 and 3.

Step 4: Assessment and Monitoring

The USB contains the assessment and monitoring tools.

Visit the Assessment and Monitoring pages.

Step 5: Teaching

This website contains the video lessons.

Show students the videos for the Teacher-Led activities. Note the relevant Implemenation Planner. 

Implementation: General Tips video
Tier One Whole Class Implementation video