Counting Kit: Curriculum Links
Foundation ACv9
This is a list of all the content descriptors for Foundation from ACv9. Those highlighted in green relate to specific Counting to 10 & 20 activities. These are mapped in the Curriculum Links Excel document above. Click the image to download this pdf in a new tab.
Bond Blocks does not cover all areas of the curriculum. It focusses on covering essential content, as identified through research predictive of mathematical difficulties. The Counting Kit covers this essential content in a sequential built and cyclically reviewed way, using evidence-informed teaching strategies such as explicit teaching and multiple exposures. Using Bond Blocks ensures that essentials are covered, whilst freeing up time to cover other content descriptors. Implementing the Counting Kit in Foundation, as per the planner, will use one-third of your total maths time.
Western Australia
These are the SCASA Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines (Pre-Foundation in WA) numeracy outcomes and illustrative list of dot points. SCASA states that the dot points are an “illustrative list of examples in each outcome. Educators can use, add to or modify the dot points to meet the requirements of their learning community” (SCASA, 2023, p. 25). Those highlighted in green relate to specific Counting to 10 & 20 activities. These are mapped in the Curriculum Links Excel document above. Click the image to download this pdf in a new tab.
Bond Blocks does not cover all areas of the curriculum. It focusses on covering essential content, as identified through research predictive of mathematical difficulties. Implementing the Counting Kit in Pre-Foundation, as per the planner, will use one-third of your total maths time.