28) Locate Numbers: Number Line

Counting Forwards 10 to 20


71.1 Near Ten Strategy 9

Understanding Activity

This is an ‘understanding’ (proficiency strand) activity . Please refer to the instructions in the Implementation Planner.


  • Develop understanding about where numbers, from ten to twenty, live on a number line and in relation to each other.
  • Develop fluency locating numbers on a number line from 10 to 20.


  • one shorter/longer
  • one less/more than (later introduce ‘one greater than’)
  • one number before/after


A little easier

Locate 11, 12, 13, 15, 19

Complete this first.

Locate 14, 16, 17, 18

Complete this second. Then complete the ‘core’ activity. 

A little harder
