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Bond Blocks
An Australian Mathematics Teaching and Intervention System
From Counting to Addition and Subtraction
Award Winning
Bond Blocks – Winner of the 2022 Educational
Publishing Awards
Primary Student Resource Category
What Is the Bond Blocks System?
The Bond Blocks system has two uses:
- Whole class teaching (Tier 1): teaching well initially in order to reduce the number of students who need intervention efforts
- Maths Intervention (Tier 2 and 3 Intervention): in small groups or with pairs of students to build up foundational skills.
Informed by research using evidence-based methodology, developed by Australian teacher Narelle Rice together with Dr Paul Swan.
Bond Blocks System Kits
Two Kits. Designed to be implemented using a Response To Intervention (RTI) Tier 1/2/3 approach. Suitable for use within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS).
Inbuilt Ongoing Professional Learning
Four levels of PL
- All included in the initial purchase.
- PL via video and PDFs. No need to attend face-to-face PL = no relief costs
- Upskill new staff FREE.
- Long-term implementation with fidelity.
Introductory Video PL
- Each kit contains a 100 minute video PL
- Get started as soon as your kit arrives.
- No need to wait for face-to-face PL.
- Learn how to use the kit and the underpinning research, theory and pedagogy
Every Activity Modelled in Video
- Explicit teaching of every activity
- Show to students
- Over 100 videos for each kit
- Consistent whole-school teaching
- Education Assistants can implement
- Drip-feed PL. Learn while doing, watch and implement a little every week.
- Connect the mathematical manipulative, language and symbols
Support Videos and Books
- Just in time PL: Implementation, Assessment, Monitoring, Curriculum
- Answers common questions such as “How do I do the test?” and “How do I analyse the data?”
- Videos approximately 5 to 10 min each
- Books and videos readily available on the website.
Teacher Notes
- Deep dive PL.
- One set of Teacher Notes on every concept.
- Unique Teacher Notes for each kit.
- Ideal for numeracy leaders to upskill staff.
Bond Blocks Counting to 10 & 20 Kit (2024 Edition)
Pre-Foundation/ Foundation Curriculum Content
Tier 1 Class Teaching for Pre-Foundation / Foundation
Tier 2 & 3 Intervention for Years 1 to 6
No Subscriptions
Professional Learning Included
Testing & Monitoring
Counting Skills Sequence
Assessment Skills Checklists
Planners for Tier 1 Class Teaching
Planners for Tier 2 & 3 Intervention
46× Teacher-Led Activity Boards
Modelled on Video for Explicit Teaching
17× Exploratory Play Activity Cards
128× Guided Play Activity Cards
EYLF aligned
Curriculum linked (ACv9, WA, VIC, NSW)
Created with evidence-based metholodogy
Developed to support learning dfficulties (linked ABLEWA, VIC Levels A-D)
Support for regional schools
Support for education assistants
Mathematical language specified
Concrete-representational-abstract approach
INCLUDED: The base kit contains everything required for Tier 1 Class Teaching for a class of 24.
Add-ons extend this for a reduced price.
INCLUDED: Everything required for Intervention with a group of 4 students
Class Teaching
Suitable as a Tier 1 Class Teaching resource for
Pre-Foundation & Foundation.
Suitable as a Tier 2 & 3 Mathematics Intervention resource for
Pre-Foundation to Year 6
Bond Blocks Core Addition & Subtraction Kit (2024)
Year 1 to 3 Curriculum Content
Tier 1 Class Teaching for Years 1 to 3
Tier 2 & 3 Intervention for Years 1 to 6
No Subscriptions
Professional Learning Included
Testing & Monitoring
Planners for Tier 1 Class Teaching
Planners for Tier 2 & 3 Intervention
108× Teacher-Led Activity Boards
Modelled on Video for Explicit Teaching
Curriculum linked (ACv9, WA, VIC, NSW)
Created with evidence-based metholodogy
Developed to support learning difficulties (linked ABLEWA, VIC Levels A-D)
Whole School Approach
Support for regional schools
Support for education assistants
Mathematical language specified
Concrete-representational-abstract approach
Easily extend to Tier 1 Class Teaching with Core Kit Class Add-ons.
INCLUDED: Everything required for Intervention with a group of 4 students.
Class Teaching
The Bond Blocks Core Kit provides a whole-school approach to Tier 1 classroom teaching from Year 1 to Year 3
in Addition/Subtraction.
(Requires class add-on for materials)
The Bond Blocks Core Kit is also suitable as a Tier 2 & 3 Mathematics Intervention resource for Year 1 to Year 6 in Addition/Subtraction.
Over 100 specific activities
in each kit
The Bond Blocks Maths Intervention Program is fully sequenced, Australian Curriculum linked and follows a Concrete-Representational-Abstract approach.
Every activity is completed on one A3 board by an individual student or pair.
Activity boards are reusable and ready-to-go with minimal equipment and setup.
Complete one activity a week. All you need is approximately 8 minutes, 3 times a week.
Every activity has its own publicly accessible webpage, where the activity is:
- modelled in a short video for consistent, school wide teaching.
- explained with specified mathematics and language.
- differentiated ‘a little easier’ or ‘a little harder’.
The Blocks
- Bond Blocks are not scored, with individual
unit lines. They are a representational
manipulative that supports students to
move from counting to calculating with
numbers. - The length of the block helps student
develop the concept of a mental number
line. - The natural wood, sustainably-sourced New Zealand Pine, reduces distraction of colourful plastic and focuses children on the written numerals.
- Ten is represented with two different blocks: Linear Ten and an Empty Ten Frame, similar to a ten strip and ten frame.
- They are a ratio of one unit : 2 cm making them easy to manipulate.
- They are self-checking, encouraging number sense and estimation.
There’s a lot you can do with just the Blocks themselves and the Bond Blocks Out of the Box book, but the activity boards (included in the Core Intervention Kit) let you do so much more.
An Australian Maths Intervention Program Developed:
- Based on research
- With extensive classroom trials and teacher feedback
- In partnership with Dr Paul Swan (www.drpaulswan.com.au)
- By a Western Australian teacher
Whether you’re a teacher or homeschooling parent you can be sure Bond Blocks will be an effective tool
Aims of the Bond Blocks Maths Intervention Program
Use the Bond Block System to develop:
- Fluency with number bonds, leading to recall.
- Addition and subtraction to 20 and beyond.
- Robust understandings of addition and subtraction concepts, and relationships between them.
- Flexible, efficient calculating strategies.
- Number concepts including place value.
- Mathematical reasoning and problem solving.
Easy to use
From Start to Finish
Made from Sustainable Wood
Additional Material
Take a moment to check out the site
Check out what a lesson looks like or peruse our FAQ. There are also fantastic support materials in our teacher notes section, including a 3-page document asking the question “Is the Bond Blocks Maths Intervention Program evidence-based?” which helps demystify what ‘evidence-based’ does and does not mean.
Or, take a look at what assessment materials you get along with this fantastic maths intervention support program that is now used across Australia.